New Days Bring New Opportunities

 Training Day.  We often think of our training days as a chance for players to work on their skill sets and improve their game. As I was putting the finishing touches on the lesson plan for today’s session, I began to wonder if coaches see and use this opportunity to train them selves. I know a lot of you may wonder why a coach needs to train themselves, but the longer I am in the sport, the more I feel there is to learn and understand. Not just about the game but about the individuals that play out the drama of the match- refs, coaches, players and spectators are all actors on the stage of contest.

 I feel very blessed this season with the side I am working with. Each of these players have a deep commitment to the game and to themselves. They all put forth the effort and work every time they get the chance to work. It is such that I find I am making adjustments to our training so that it remains viable and contributes to the players’ growth each session. Every session is a continual cycle of evaluating each player, how they are giving and taking from the task they are working on and how am I relating to that process.

Each evening after our sessions, I have gotten into the habit of jotting down notes about the players and what I think I saw in their performance that session. I try to incorporate those thoughts into the next training to give the players the challenge of sorting out the difficult areas as well as having some success in other areas they may have been struggling with. So far, the dialogue has been open and a good exchange for our team. It is my hope that as we go forward, these discussions will continue to have meaning for our players and help us grow and improve as individuals and as a team.

We are still a month away from our season which is not that long, but it is rewarding to watch how the players are taking advantage of every opportunity to improve and are making their time meaningful to their development. May we each embrace every opportunity to grow whenever and wherever it presents itself.


till I see you on the pitch


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